Chronicles of the Wayward Moot

WELCOME TO THE MOOT, oh world-wanderers and word-whisperers. After two years of Peace Corps. After 2,200 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail. What. Comes. Next?

20 Jan 2006

More photos from the northern journey for your pleasure....
Since I fear I'll soon be eating a bunch of questionably prepared roadkill on a daily basis, while the woman and I were in Montreal I thought I'd use that as a chance to sample some truly world class din-din. Faced with a bleak future of eating rancid guinea pig and wormy bananas, what do I decide to order and slip past my sweet lips? SNAILS! There is seriously something wrong with me. In the other pic, that's JoJo, the crafty feline friend of our hosts in Vermont. He's sporting the season's latest fashion --- a bit of foam netting used to protect wine bottles from breaking. Cue the frigid Montreal night sky for another pic. Finally, there's the interior of the (rightfully) world famous Ben & Jerry's factory in Waterbury. As for the white stuff on my nose, that's how we do it in Belgium, err - New Zealand, err - Ecuador? I dunno. I feel cruddy today. Necesito una botella de vino tinto.


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