Chronicles of the Wayward Moot

WELCOME TO THE MOOT, oh world-wanderers and word-whisperers. After two years of Peace Corps. After 2,200 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail. What. Comes. Next?

11 Mar 2007

Since I don't dare take out my camera (already seemingly on its last legs) when the real rain is coming down, here are some pics from the ride back from the Cerro before the wet stuff came down... Having the benefit of a private car, we were able to bypass about an hour of hiking each way from the main road. The cerro is at about 12,500 feet. This pic was taken at probably 11,800 feet or so.

Two locals that we passed on the way down, in a little pueblo called Pueble Nuevo. The woman was spinning wool yarn which she said they make into cobijas (blankets) to sell. A doctor comes to the tiny mountain outpost at the end of each month. Better hope noone gets really hurt or sick in between, as the ride to the nearest clinic is brutal.

Here's how this guy rode most of the way back to Zaruma, with his cotton hoodie over his head to shield from the driving rain and wind. Awesome.


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