Chronicles of the Wayward Moot

WELCOME TO THE MOOT, oh world-wanderers and word-whisperers. After two years of Peace Corps. After 2,200 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail. What. Comes. Next?

24 Aug 2007

Alrighty, here are the first of some photos from that Cerro de Arcos to Huertas traverse we did the other day. Just a few of them, en serio. (seriously) I'll skimp on the captions because, well, the pictures will NEVER do the place or the experience justice and because I have a bunch to try and upload...

Tramping past the feral-ish horses with the "Pyramid" in the background...

Looking down into the valley of the void after hooking around from Cerro de Arcos the first day.

Chuffmate taking a breather at a spot where we filled up on water. This makes it look totally wet and lush up there. It isn't.

A little friend we found at the same water hole. He/she was dead, either of old age or from drowning (was under the water not moving...) but that didn't deter us from scooping up the wet stuff in our bottles and adding purification tabs. Dead lagartijas or not, we needed water!

The author above the clouds at our campsite for the first night. Cold and windy, but the views were spectacular.


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